

ProSaver - Foto & Video Download

ProSaver is a unique tool that allows users to download Instagram videos and photos directly from the Instagram feed, as well as any video from the IGTV app. With ProSaver, there is no need to log in or provide special credentials, and there is no URL pasting required.

To use ProSaver, simply turn on the app by tapping on the main switch below the ProSaver logo. Then, select "Copy Share URL" on any public photo or video, or "Copy Link" on any IGTV video. A notification will prompt up, giving you the option to download the photo/video or share it.

One of the standout features of ProSaver is its simplicity and convenience. It is the only app that allows users to download Instagram videos, photos, and IGTV videos with just one tap. There is no need to switch back and forth between the app and Instagram or IGTV.

If you encounter any bugs, problems, or have any suggestions, the developer can be contacted via email at Before using the app, it is advised to carefully read the terms and conditions.

Overall, ProSaver provides a straightforward and efficient solution for downloading Instagram videos, photos, and IGTV videos without any hassle.

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